You’re locked until you made up for your mistake

It’s 6 am on a Saturday. Suddenly the alarm goes off. What the actual fuck? Turns out, my idiot slave had his alarm set for that unbehoving time.

Sorry, but I have zero patience for dumb shit like that. My sleep is holy and whoever disturbs it will get my ire.

“Take off your underwear!”, I exclaimed later that morning, after I was properly awake, in what was definitely an irate voice.

My slave had been roaming freely the last weeks. I was too busy to play the jailer and spend time training him. Enough of that.

His dick goes in the cage. It will come off when I think he deserves it. And if it takes years – I don’t care.

When the punishment is announced beforehand, the slave knows that he can just sit it out. But with this indeterminate duration, he actually has to change his behavior. Tough luck.

The inconvenience

The first couple of days, his behavior didn’t change much, he was more in what I would call survival mode. He had difficulties sleeping, because he would wake up from nightly reactions pushing against the cage. Moving around was more difficult with the cage on.

But I didn’t pay much attention to him. Yes, it’s uncomfortable. Yes, you wake up at night. Boo hoo. Not my fucking problem.

I focused on my stuff.

The submission

After some days, I noticed how he was slowly grasping the situation he was in.

He started acting nicer. Took better care of me. made sure my glass always had water in it. Tidied up around the house. Gave foot massages without me asking for them.

Maybe there is hope after all, I figured.

“You need to learn your place and embrace it. There is no alternative.”

The tease

With his behavior improving, I was also willing to focus a bit more on him. Invest in this, so to say.

We’re still far from a release.

He still needed to suffer a bit. I started dressing a bit more sexy, tease him a bit. Juggled my tits in front of him once in a while.

In the evenings, before going to sleep, I made him cuddle with me. Gave him kisses. Squeezed and scratched his nipples, sometimes with the tips of my fingers, sometimes with my nails. Even licked and bit them. I just know what gets him going.

He was cringing from the discomfort in his crotch in combination with the arousal. Things were getting a bit more intense.

“We’re doing this to teach you a valuable lesson. And there won’t be any shortcuts.”


It had been a week or so that he was wearing the cage nonstop. It hadn’t come off even for showers or to sleep at night.

I decided he had to go through one more day of training before I would release him.

That morning, I put on a hot outfit. My PVC catsuit, if I remember correctly. It was fall, so I put a layer on top of it and had him take me out for brunch. I even let him buy me a piece of clothing.

When we arrived home, I made him bend over the bed, bare naked. It was time for what I call the full program. I stuffed his mouth, taped it shut, put the rubber hood over his head. I cuffed his hands behind his back and applied some clamps to his nipples and other body parts. Suddenly, the cockcage was no more his main concern.

First, I spanked him thoroughly. With the flogger to warm up, then with the riding crop to make it hurt.

Then I put on my strap-on. I briefly pulled up the mask and removed the panty I had stuffed in his mouth. I made him orally cherish my dildo extensively.

Then I gave him a rough pegging. I was swaying back and forth by holding on to the chain of his handcuffs. The cage with his pack in it moved along, with the padlock chinking as it collided with the steel of the cage.

The movements actually stimulated me quite well. The vibrations of the strap-on, of which one end also penetrated me, sure helped.

I lied down on my back in the bed, I cuffed his hands. and told him: “Now make me come.”

He made good use of his hands. And even though I’m normally not a big fan of oral sex (I prefer a dick inside of me, with me sitting on top), his licking and fingering actually made me come nicely.

“Has all this been a lesson to you?” We had discussed his behavior extensively over brunch.

“Yes, Mistress, it has.”, he said quietly.

“You want to fuck me, don’t you?”, I asked, while stroking his struggling dick, which was squeezing through the hard steel of the cage. He nodded.

“Well, too bad that you’re locked”, I said with a smile on my face.

This wasn’t an easy moment for my slave. He was allowed to touch me, but I was not yet willing to release him. That’s when I saw him do something for the first ever: he actually, voluntarily, took a cold shower to calm down. Especially to ease off the pain from his interdicted erection.

Yes, he had to spend another night locked. In fact, I kept it my little morning surprise. After waking up, I gently cuddled up to him, stroke his hair, bit his nipples, caressed the cock, balls and cage situation down there and kissed him with plenty of tongue like a high schooler.

I opened the padlock and took off his cockcage. We both watched his penis inflate to its full size.

“You may fuck me now.”, I said.

Let’s put this politely: it didn’t take him long. When he was done, I made him first clean that smelly cage of his.

“I believe the chastity training has worked. And you know the saying: never change a winning horse.”, I said. The smile in his face froze.

“The cage goes back on immediately.”, I added, as I locked it and put the key back around my neck.

“This is your life now.”

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  • Some days later, we did a little chastity ceremony to formally start his new, long-term locked life.

FAQ to that story

What if there is an external need to take off the cockcage (e.g. sports competition, doctor’s appointment, etc.)

I guess the answer depends on whether you practice chastity as a lifestyle or as a punishment. Generally, I do both. My slave now has to wear it non-stop. In that setting, you can grant a break and see if the slave can make it up to you somehow. In this story, the cockcage was primarily a punishment. There shouldn’t be any way to get out of being punished. It’s the very definition that it’s not a matter of choice.

However, there are moments where you might indeed have to take the cage off. My rule: for every hour of temporary release, come evening and some Netflix, my slave has to wear a ball gag with nipple clamps for two hours. “Isn’t that a bit long?”, you might wonder. Yes, it is. But thanks to the ball gag, I cannot hear any of the slave’s complaints.

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