The four keys to our 24/7 relationship: Key 1

People often ask me about the key to successfully living a 24/7 Femdom relationship. The answer is that there are in fact four keys. The four keys are threaded on a nice chain that I often wear as a necklace, or hide in a place where my slave will never find it.

In this series of blog posts, I will tell you about each key individually and how it contributes to our journey of dominance and submission.

Key 1: The cock

My slave wears a cockcage for most of the day. He can usually take it off briefly for his morning shower or if there are any external obligations or activities that make it unreasonable (physical exercise, for instance). Then there are the nights. Guys usually have several erections per night while asleep. Wearing a cockcage then makes the wake up in discomfort. Poor boys. Since I don’t always want a grumpy-ass slave in the morning, I’ll decide based on his behavior whether he has to sleep with it or not. I am a merciful Goddess, so if he’s been generally good, I let him have a good night’s sleep. Obviously I take some measures so that he doesn’t enjoy his freedom too much and touch himself inappropriately, but I’ll talk about sleeping arrangements in another post.

Then there’s the sex. I just love teasing him in the most cruel ways; it’s fascinating to make him horny and watch his dick fill up with blood and press against the harsh metal bars of the cage. The rule is tid-for-tad (maybe). He mustn’t climax if I haven’t come already. When I’m pegging him – an activity I enjoy although it doesn’t give me orgasms – he usually wears it. But if he took proper care of his Mistress, then, well, good things come (pun not intended) to those who wait.

With the cockcage, I enfore some healthy habits: no brain-numbing porn, no instant self-gratification through masturbation, and the constant reminder that the only pathway towards release is by unconditionally pleasing his Mistress. Cocks need locks, it’s that simple.

Yes, in the beginning there were some attempts at negotiation. In the beginning, the little fucker tried to smooth-talk himself out of the cockcage. But I’m a very results-oriented person: only splendid behavior leads to better treatment. It takes every prisoner a while to fully grasp their new predicament, and my slave was in no way different. In the end, they all know that there is no easy way out and that this is what they signed up for, the trial and cool-off period way expired. He accepted that those are my ways and doesn’t bother discussing whether the cock is in the cage or not.

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