Series: Punishments – III. Psychological punishments

Femdom, most of the time, is a mind game. That’s why punishments can also take place at a purely mental level.

For instance, I always make sure to clearly communicate what upset me. These explanations tend to end up rather wordy – I have quite a tendency to indulge in them. In fact, some might call them extensive scolding or lecturing. Sometimes I combine this with some verbal degradation and insults.

Speaking of being verbose: The effect of putting your slave in place is even stronger when you do it front of other people. It’s always funny to see how quiet and apologetic he gets when I do that in presence of my hot friends who he secretly wants to impress. Quite a pleasure to foil that plan…

But then, why should I be the one doing all the talking? Sometimes I let my slave explain himself what he did wrong – ideally in writing. Recently I made him compose a 500 word essay on the importance of not forgetting laundry in the washing machine. He’s smart enough, he can spell that out by himself. It puts also back at a point mentioned earlier in this series: it’s all about making the slave the best and most lovable version of himself. Which requires that he internalize the rules and the behavior I expect from him.

There is another route of punishment, but frankly I was hesitant as to which category it falls into: the removal of privileges. I will cover that in my next posting, although one could argue that it would have fitted here as well.

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