Series: Punishments – IV. Sensory punishments

Your repertoire of punishments can draw from all senses. Through all our sense we can experience pleasure (think: eargasms or oral orgasms) as well as displeasure.

Taste and smell

The tongue is an extremely sensitive organ, and thus highly suited for pleasure as well as displeasure. You can go in two directions: give the tongue an over-stimulation, e.g. by making your slave eat very spicy food such as jalapeños or hot sauce. The other approach is to do the contrary and make your slave eat only food that’s bland (think “water and bread” in the old days), cold or otherwise not so tasty.


How to get your slave to his senses immediately: Put him under a cold shower. Recently (during the last heat wave), my slave spent the day complaining about the heat. How could he? Heat is supposed to be enjoyed, the winters here are long enough… Since I couldn’t stand that negative vibe around me, I cuffed him to the shower faucet. I switched the mixer to cold, and gave him a simple, but beautiful instruction: “I will be back in some minutes. When I return, I want you to be completely wet. And don’t even think about changing the temperature.” It was a good exercise, I believe, because it was so much about (self-)discipline. He had to overcome his own blockades, and just do something he didn’t like. Boy, was he happy when I passed him the towel. However, I was not surprised when he later came to thank me for the treatment. He actually, somehow, somewhat, enjoyed feeling refreshed. And that’s how he stopped complaining about the heat.

One that combines the senses is making your slave to disgusting chores. I am sure that siphon under your sink needs a thorough cleaning. It always does.

Sight y Sound

Most of my disciplining revolves around my slave’s way of taking care of the house – or lack thereof. But since I am all about educating, I found a way to make him reflect on his behavior and also learn some useful techniques: I make him listen to podcasts or audio books on tidying up and minimalism. In a way, I consider Marie Kondo my most valuable assistant in turning my slave into the best possible version of himself.

Sensory deprivation

It’s almost impossible to talk about sensory punishments without mentioning sensory deprivation, but I will get into further detail in a separate post, in which I will tell you how I use sensory deprivation hoods.

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