Interactive Story: A lockdown and a sprint – Part 1

The Lockdown “Incentives are not working with you. I told you to behave well, and that I would give you what you need. So I guess we try a different approach.”, she said that Friday morning. “From now on, you will carry a sentence: one year of cockcage.” He looked up to her while kneeling … Leer más

Sleeping arrangements

Today’s post is somewhat personal. For a couple of years now, I have had a very light sleep. In fact, I have suffered from insomnia. As a result, not only have my days become difficult sometimes, but it has also been a challenge to come up with a sleeping arrangement that works well for me … Leer más

The four keys to our 24/7 relationship: Key 3

In the two previous posts of this series on the four keys of success to my Femdom relationship, we focused on the genitals and ass, the importance of keeping them locked up on a regular (butt-plug) if not semi-permanent (cockcage) basis. Keys 3 and 4 will focus more on the slave’s radius of action. Key … Leer más

Who’s the boss?

One Tuesday night The waitress was trying hard to look fancy in her fake luxury brand dress, but neither the restaurant nor her could really pull it off.  He was not particularly attracted to her as a person, although there was a certain sexiness to her, and the dress revealed every curve of her admittedly … Leer más