Series: Punishments – The Aftermath

Your slave misbehaved, you took action and administered a specific punishment for a specific misdemeanor. As we saw in the first post of this series, the punishment is effective if it fits the deed. You put some thought in the beginning: you explained the reason for the treatment, and you set a course of action.

But after covering your slave in hot wax, or tormenting his nether parts – before you throw him back on the streets, it’s time for a moment of reflection and, dare I say, forgiveness.

Assuming that you are in a loving relationship, after an intense moment of play it is crucial to move on.

Has he learnt his lesson?

Once the punishment is over, make sure he learnt his lesson. Repeat why he got punished. Let him restate it. More importantly, there has to be an improvement in behavior. Let him spell out how will behave better in the future.

Don’t let your slave manipulate you into giving him more action. If he still doesn’t repent, the punishment is clearly more of a “funishment” to him. You will want to consider proceeding to a form of punishment of which you know he doesn’t enjoy.

I do it because I love you

Powerful: restate your love. You’re doing this because you want to grow closer, because you want your relationship to get tighter. Now is the time for a big hug, for kisses, maybe for an “I love you”, if this is indeed what you feel.

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