All you need to know about different forms of long-term bondage

Many kinksters fantasize about long-term bondage. But what does that mean exactly? Just like the BDSM term bondage itself can mean many different things, long-term bondage can be interpreted either in an abstract or a specific way.

In a matter of speaking, the institution of marriage is a form of long-term bondage. To people are, albeit in an abstract way, bound together. Femdom dynamics in which the submissive assumes his role on a 24/7 basise, even if maybe just through verbal or behavioral subordination (e.g. by addressing the dominant as “Mistress”), is a similar form of abstract long-term bondage.

However, in this post I want to focus more on some more specific ways of engaging in long-term BDSM play:

Keeping your slave in long-term chastity

I cannot stress it enough: there are only a few reasons why a chastity device would ever come off. (1) If I have been properly pleased and graciously allow the slave to have sex, (2) briefly in the morning for personal hygiene and blood flow.

This is an indefinite form of bondage. It has become my slave’s reality that he is not in control of his genitals, and that erections and ejaculations can only happen when I grant that privilege. Through this highly oppressive measure, the submissive will gradually change his mindset and focus on showing the behavior expected by his Mistress.

Keeping him in long-term confinement

While chastity puts the slave’s sexuality in a metal cage, I also like that take control over their whole body. Depending on the circumstances, mainly if all housework is done and there are no pending chores, I completely lock the slave away. I will usually lock him in a tiny bathroom we have. As it has running water and a toilet, there are virtually no upper bounds as to how long you can keep him there. For very long stints, you can even leave some durable food (crackers, bread) in the cell. Whenever we go on holidays, I like to lock him up for a day or two, and enjoy some me time.

Being confined in a small, dark room without access to any form of entertainment – most importantly the phone, will do a lot to the slave’s mind. Without any distractions, he has to focus on himself and his place in the world. The center of his universe: you. Trust me, after every lock down, my slave has come out of it more obedient than before. Independently from the Femdom aspect, I believe that a little bit of digital detox would do us all some good.

Keeping him in long-term restraint

Keeping a person in tight restraints is a hassle. You have to watch the slave, make sure that the blood flow is not obstructed, and that he is generally fine. But there are ways, fortunately.

You can handcuff the slave to a radiator, for example, or to the shower mixer. Or you can work with a chain (e.g. locked to his collar), if it’s long enough, there is no problem with position and circulation, but it will still be a serious constraint.

Your slave can also be restrained while roaming free. He can be shackled, his hands and/or feet cuffed. Again, there is no time limit for such restraints, they can even be worn overnight. It is up to you how comfortable the slave will be. Will you cuff his hands behind his back or in front?

Long-term bondage is fun and easy

As we have seen in this post, there are many ways how to play with restrictions over a longer period of time. Such measures, in my experience, can have a lasting effect on the slave’s subordination. The crucial question is how much time you as the Mistress want to invest, and you will want to opt accordingly for an approach that requires more or less management on your end.

Do you have experience with long-term bondage? Is there anything you’ve always wanted to know? Then contact me by using the form below!

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1 thought on “All you need to know about different forms of long-term bondage”

  1. Wonderfully informative mistress! Do you think it is possible to confine a slave permanently in a cage if the cage is large? And will the slave become withdrawn from the outside world eventually?


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